51 Decorated Christmas Cookies with Tutorials

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51 Decorated Christmas Cookies - sugarkissed.net

Christmas is the mecca of all cookie decorating holidays. With holiday cookie swaps and gift giving, we’re almost all required to decorate at least one batch of sugar cookies. If you’re looking for inspiration for all the Christmas cookies you see in your near future, you’ve come to the right place! Below you will find not just 51 of the most beautiful and creative Christmas cookies on the Web, but a tutorial for how to make each and every one. Just pick out the ones you love and follow the step-by-step directions to wow your friends and family this holiday season. Christmas cookies don’t get much easier than that. Happy Holidays!

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Candy Decorated Christmas Cookies

Candy Decorated Christmas Cookies - sugarkissed.net

1. Sparkly Vanilla Bean Macarons by kevin & amanda

2. Candy Cane Cookies by A Good Appetite

3. Peppermint Mocha Blossoms by my kitchen addiction

4. Candy Cane Heart Cookies by Crafty Chica

5. Peppermint Candy Cookies by Bake at 350

Gingerbread Decorated Christmas Cookies

Gingerbread Decorated Christmas Cookies - sugarkissed.net 6. Gingerbread Heads by Bakerella

7. Gingerbread House Cookie Pops by the decorated cookie

8. Gingerbread Cookie House by baked bree

9. Gingerbread Gentlemen Cookies by diamonds for dessert

Winter Hat & Mitten Decorated Christmas Cookies

Hat and Mitten Decorated Christmas Cookies - sugarkissed.net

10. Santa’s Hats Cookies by Crustabakes

11. Patchwork Winter Mitten Cookies by In Katrina’s Kitchen

12. Mitten Cookies by Cookie Twist

13. Let It Snow! Hat & Mitten Cookies by Bake at 350

Penguin & Polar Bear Decorated Christmas Cookies

Penguin and Polar Bear Christmas Cookies - sugarkissed.net Penguin and Polar Bear Christmas Cookies - sugarkissed.net

14. Penguin Cookies by Flour Box Bakery

15. Penguin Cookies by The Bearfoot Baker

16. Pink and Purple Penguin Cookies by Glorious Treats

17. Polar Bear Cookies by The Bearfoot Baker

18. Polar Bear Cookie by Cathy’s Designer Cookies

19. Penguin Icebox Cookies by diamonds for dessert

20. Coca-Cola Polar Bear Cookies by Klickitat Street

21. Penguin Oreo Cookies by Gourmet Mom On-The-Go

Reindeer and Elf Decorated Christmas Cookies

Elf and Reindeer Decorated Christmas Cookies - sugarkissed.net

22. Elf on the Shelf Cookies by Bake at 350

23. Reindeer Cookie Pop by Cookie Twist

24. Rudolph Cookies by diamonds for dessert

25. Elf Nesting Doll Cookies by Bubble and Sweet

26. Chocolate Covered Oreo Reindeer Pops by Momma’s Playground

Santa Claus Decorated Christmas Cookies

 Santa Claus Decorated Christmas Cookies - sugarkissed.net Santa Claus Decorated Christmas Cookies - sugarkissed.net

27. Sleeping Santa Cookies by haniela’s

28. Santa in Chimney Cookies by The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle

29. Jack Skellington’s Sandy Claws Cookies by Cindy Littlefield

30. Roly-Poly Santa Cookies by Sugar and Charm

31. Santa Claus Cookie Pops by Hungry Happenings

32. Santa’s Beard Cookie by Cookie Twist

33. Santa Sugar Cookies by diamonds for dessert

34. Santa Buddies by Katrina Runs for Food

Snowman and Snowflake Decorated Christmas Cookies

Snowman and Snowflake Decorated Christmas Cookies - sugarkissed.net

35. Melted Snowman Cookies by e is for eat

36. Peppermint Bark by Baked By Rachel

37. Merry Maraschino Cherry Snowflake Cookies by LunaCafe

38. Snowman Cookies by The Bearfoot Baker

39. Little Snow People by Heather Homemade

Christmas Tree Decorated Christmas Cookies

Christmas Tree Decorated Christmas Cookies - sugarkissed.net Christmas Tree Decorated Christmas Cookies - sugarkissed.net

40. 3D Christmas Tree Gingerbread Cookies by not martha

41. Christmas Meringue Cookies by Creative Culinary

42. Christmas Family Tree Cookies by The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle

43.  Christmas Tree Sugar Cookies by A Spoonful of Thyme

44. Pink Christmas Trees by LilaLoa

45. Christmas Tree-Shaped Green Tea Cookies by diamonds for dessert

46. Stained Glass Christmas Cookies by Trissalicious

47. Christmas Tree Cookies by LilaLoa

Poinsettia and Wreath Decorated Christmas Cookies Poinsettia and Wreath Decorated Christmas Cookies - sugarkissed.net

 48. Christmas Star Cookie Wreath by The Farm Chicks

49. Rustic Poinsettia Cookies by The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle

50. Raspberry Poinsettia Blossoms by Pillsbury

51. Christmas Wreath Cookie by Cake Journal

Find all the essentials for Christmas cookie decorating in the sugarkissed.net shop at amazon.com!


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Link Parties That I Love

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About Janine

Creative sweets made simple. Learn how to easily make decorated treats through recipes and tutorials at sugarkissed.net. Are you ready for sweet inspiration?
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38 Responses to 51 Decorated Christmas Cookies with Tutorials

  1. Haniela says:

    What an incredible collection. Christmas season is here.
    Thanks for sharing my little sleeping santas, too.

  2. Jo, My Gosh! says:

    Hello from the Sharefest! These look fantastic! I’ll be back looking for recipes!!!
    Jo, My Gosh! recently posted..Filling You in on FillingMy Profile

  3. I’m a first time visitor! I love your blog. I invite you to stop by and link if you’d like :)

  4. blanche says:

    love all your ideas thanks

  5. So many great cookies for Christmas inspiration! Thanks for join to my link party!
    Vera Zecevic – Cupcakes Garden recently posted..Snowman Christmas CupcakesMy Profile

  6. Sophie says:

    Thanks so much for the lovely ideas,i’ll make definitely a couple of your recipes this holidays.In fact i can’t wait that long,i’ll try one the next days.

    • Janine says:

      Awesome, Sophie! If you get a sec to stop back by, I’d love to see what you make. You can email me at or post pics on my Facebook wall (sugarkissed.net).

  7. Rachel says:

    Oooh, they’re all so pretty and they look delicious too! It won’t be long and I’ll be starting my Christmas cookie baking spree!
    Rachel recently posted..Christmas Countdown!My Profile

  8. Amazing!! Thanks for Collecting all these in one place for us all! You have been pinned!
    Chandra@The Plaid and Paisley Kitchen recently posted..Two Barks are Better Than One {candy melt bark}My Profile

  9. Julie says:

    These are unbelievably gorgeous! Thank you so much for stopping over at our Christmas party. Pinning these right now Janine :)

  10. Printabelle says:

    Amazing post! What a wonderful group of Christmas cookie ideas, I love them!
    Printabelle recently posted..Wonderful Wednesday Link Party #30My Profile

  11. Hi, thanks for linking up with us this week at Foodie Friends Friday. However, the rules are to link a recipe that is yours. This is a link for a long list of recipes from others. As I appreciate the post you have I don’t think it fits with our rules.
    This is a great place for cookies recipes and I appreciate finding them all in one spot.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade recently posted..Pina Colada Cake and Chicken Pot PieMy Profile

    • Janine says:

      Sorry about that, Dawn. I should have reread the rules before linking up this week. I went back to the link up party to see if I could remove my link but I didn’t see an option to do so. Please feel free to remove it.

  12. Anne Kimball says:

    Hi, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (http://annesfunnyfarm.blogspot.com), and I’m visiting from Fantabulous Friday.

    Wow, so many awesome cookies to choose from! Thanks for posting this.

    If you’ve never visited yet, I hope you can pop by my blog sometime to say hi…

  13. This is awesome post ! Really great cookies collections! Thanks you shared it at my link party! Regards
    Vera Zecevic – Cupcakes Garden recently posted..Christmas Ornament CupcakesMy Profile

  14. Pingback: Saturday Sharefest: December 1st - The SITS Girls

  15. misssrobin says:

    Wow! So many beautiful cookies. I haven’t made sugar cookies in years. I might have to give some of these a try though. They are so cool.

    I’m totally digging the first penguin!

    Happy Sharefest.
    misssrobin recently posted..My Own MisbehaviorMy Profile

  16. getfitchick says:

    Wow, these are awesome! i am def inspired – even though my decorating skills leave a lot to be desired!
    getfitchick recently posted..Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein BrowniesMy Profile

  17. Ericka says:

    This is an amazing collection of cookie decorating ideas! Thank you for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday!
    Ericka recently posted..Meatless Meals: Spinach LasagnaMy Profile

  18. Gaby says:

    I just found your website and blog and facebook , thank you very much for sharing!!!! All this is simply amazing, I feel like a little girl in a candy store….. fantastique!!

  19. Pingback: Illuminate Blog » Have a merry Christmas with these pinspired holiday activities for kids

  20. lots of cute stuff happening here!! Thanks for sharing…
    Sarah @ Miss CandiQuik recently posted..Snowmen CookiesMy Profile

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