5 Tricks to Stop Cake Pops from Falling Off Sticks

Cake pops can be frustrating, I know. But, with some simple tips and tricks they can become easy. Let’s review some solutions to common cake pop problems and before you know it, they will be your favorite sweet treat too!

Today’s cake pop challenge… taming those unruly cake balls that fall off the stick.5 Tricks to Stop Cake Pops from Falling Off Sticks

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Possible Cake Pop Mistake #1

You added too much frosting to your recipe.

Some cake pop recipes call for you to create the cake ball “dough” by adding an entire can of frosting to your cake pop crumbs. Woah! There’s no need to be so frosting happy! Going overboard can cause your cake balls to fall of the sticks. The best rule of thumb is to start out with a small amount of icing and slowly add more until your mix reaches the consistency of clay. In my basic cake pop recipes, I use 1/3 to 1/2 cup of frosting.

Don't add too much frosting to your cake pop recipe!

Possible Cake Pop Mistake #2

You made your cake pops too big.

The bigger your roll your cake balls the more they weigh. If you roll them too big, they may be too heavy to stay on the sticks. To get consistently sized cake pops, I use a stainless steel coffee scoop to measure out my cake “dough” before rolling. The resulting cake pops are 1.25 inches wide, definitely not too big and not to small either.

Don't make your cake pops too big.

Possible Cake Pop Mistake #3

You stir your cake pops in the candy coating.

Sometimes when you dip your cake pops into the candy coating, the cake ball doesn’t get completely covered. To fix this, gently tilt your cake pop in one direction and then in the opposite direction. Do not stir, swirl, or bounce around your cake pop unless you want to risk it falling off the stick into a candy coating abyss. Once the cake pop is sealed in the candy coating, pull your cake pop straight up and out of the coating.

Don't stir cake pops in the candy coating.

Possible Cake Pop Mistake #4

You are not gently tapping off the excess coating.

After you dip each cake pop, you will need to remove the excess coating. The key to keeping your cake pop on the stick is keeping this process short and gentle. Do not vigorously bang or shake your cake pop. I like to “tap and turn”. Gently tap your cake pop on the side of your bowl and turn it a quarter of a turn to keep the coating smooth. Repeat this until most of the excess coating has dripped off.

Gently tap cake pops to remove excess coating.

Possible Cake Pop Mistake #5

You did not dip your sticks before inserting them into your pops.

Hardened candy coating acts as glue so it can be very helpful in preventing your cake pops from falling off the sticks. Before inserting your sticks into your chilled cake balls, dip the end of each stick into candy coating. I suggest inserting the stick about half way into the cake ball. Then, set them back in the fridge to chill for dipping.

Dip your sticks before inserting them into your cake pops.

I was making at least three of these five common cake pop mistakes at one point in time. Now that I’ve learned these simple tricks, I almost never have a cake pop fall off of the stick. Are you making any of these common cake pop mistakes?

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About Janine

Creative sweets made simple. Learn how to easily make decorated treats through recipes and tutorials at sugarkissed.net. Are you ready for sweet inspiration?
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20 Responses to 5 Tricks to Stop Cake Pops from Falling Off Sticks

  1. This has happened to me more times than I would like to admit – thanks for the great tips, Janine!
    Jennifer @ Not Your Momma’s Cookie recently posted..Nutella Pomegranate CrepesMy Profile

    • Janine says:

      I think ever cake popper loses a few cake pops this way, Jennifer. It’s great to know some simple tricks to help avoid the frustration!

  2. Yaneri says:

    Great awesome tips!!! Thanks!!! I’ve had many mishaps with these babies!!! :D

  3. It’s always great to have a reminder for creating great cake pops! Thanks!

  4. Printabelle says:

    Those are all good points! Thanks so much for sharing, I think my tendency is jut to make them too large.

  5. Kay Porter says:

    When I use a packaged cake pop mix and the cake pop pan (from as seen on TV) which you bake the cake pops, they seen to not be firm enough to stay on the stick. Any suggestions. I like only having the cake, it is just a lot less calories, but if they won’t stay on the stick??? I did dip my stick first into the candy coating before inserting and let it dry.

    • Janine says:

      Kay, I’ve never used one of those cake pops pans but I’ve heard they require you use special recipes to get the right consistency. Are you using the recipe that came with the pan or just a regular box mix?

  6. hi Janine! this is an AWESOME Post! i’m sure it helps tons of us cake pop makers :)
    Lisa @hooplapalooza recently posted..s’more summer sunbathersMy Profile

  7. Great tips! Thanks so much for linking up at the Real Family Fun link party! Hope to see you next week.
    KC @ The Real Thing with the Coake Family recently posted..Simple Handmade Father’s Day CardMy Profile

  8. Karyn says:

    Thanks for joining me at Two Cup Tuesday! I hope to see you again Monday night at Pint Sized Baker.

  9. Thanks so much for sharing with Adorned From Above’s Blog Hop 55. We can’t wait to see what you have for us this week. This weeks party is live.
    Have a great week.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above recently posted..Onsie Baby Banner for Baby ShowerMy Profile

  10. Anna says:

    These tips are so helpful. I would never bake cake pops because they frustrate me. So after these tips i am going to try again and hope for an amazing turnout.

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