How To Make Colorful Candy Eyes

Halloween is a holiday filled with lots of sweet treats touting googly eyes… mummies, spiders, monsters, witches… you get the idea. Popular options when making these treats include purchasing ready-made candy eyeballs and making your own royal icing eyeballs. But what if you don’t want to shell out the dough for premade candy eyes (or in my case, what if the shelves have been cleared out by more timely bakers) and you don’t want to whip up a batch of royal icing (or in my case, your pantry is missing one essential ingredient, powdered sugar)? There’s a simple solution… colorful candy eyes made with M&M’S!

How To Make Colorful Candy Eyes -

To make colorful candy eyes you will need M&M’S in the colors of your choice, black gel food coloring, white gel food coloring, a small clean paint brush, a and clean pair of tweezers.

Use the black food coloring to paint the black pupil of the eye on each M&M and let it dry completely. Then, use the white food coloring to dab the highlight onto the M&M and let it dry completely. That’s it… you’re done… seriously… it’s that easy.

How To Make Candy Eyes -

You can make your colorful candy eyes ahead of time so you have them ready to go at any time when sweet inspiration strikes or you can paint your candy eyes after you have applied them to your sweet. Just a dab of icing and they’ll stick to just about anything!

You can also use Skittles to make candy eyes, but I love M&M’S because, well, first off they are yummy. Secondly, they come in many different colors. My most recent discovery are the dark chocolate raspberry M&M’S that come in different shade of pink. Also, not only do they come in different colors and flavors, they are available in different sizes. I make sure to have both classic M&M’S and M&M’S MINIS on hand for when I need to give my sweets, both large and small, some personality.

How To Make Candy Eyes -

For more fun ideas for sweets made with colorful candy eyes, check out:

1) Jeepers Creepers Candy Bars by Hungry Happenings

2) Monster Cupcakes by Annie’s Eats

3) Monster Eyes Oreo Bark by Diary of a Mad Hausfrau

Colorful Candy Eyes

For more sweet inspiration, check out the link parties that I love

Link Parties That I Love

About Janine

Creative sweets made simple. Learn how to easily make decorated treats through recipes and tutorials at Are you ready for sweet inspiration?
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12 Responses to How To Make Colorful Candy Eyes

  1. Nice! I love that they don’t use royal icing. The easier, the better! :)
    Jennifer @ Not Your Momma’s Cookie recently posted..Candy Apple Razor Blade CupcakesMy Profile

  2. Liz says:

    That seems super easy and oh, so festive! Thank you for sharing!!

  3. That is so smart! When I’ve run out of the premade eyes I just wasn’t sure what to do and this is a yummy alternative! Thanks for linking!
    CuteEverything recently posted..Wonderful Wednesdays Link Party #26My Profile

  4. Winnie says:

    These are very beautiful and super cute!
    Thanks for the tutorial – now I know it’s not very difficult to make :)
    Winnie recently posted..עוגת גבינה עם דלעת בציפוי קרמל פקאןMy Profile

  5. You did a great job of explaining that and making it actually seem easy! :) Stopping by from SITS Saturday Sharefest.
    thedoseofreality recently posted..Flying By the Seat Of My PantsMy Profile

  6. misssrobin says:

    These all look amazing! Wow!

    Happy Sharefest. I hope you have a great weekend.
    misssrobin recently posted..Trust the Forward PathMy Profile

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