Cookie Pops 4 Different Ways

Flower Cookie Pops

If you’ve ever thought about making cookie pops (or cookies on a stick) and have decided not to because you were intimidated, this post is for you. Cookie pops are a great way to beautifully present your cookies with a lot of impact. And despite what you may have heard they aren’t hard to make.

How To Make Cookie Pops: Technique #1

The trick to this technique is rolling out your cookie dough a little thicker than you usually do. I normally make my sugar cookies 3/16″ thick. When making cookie pops, I roll my dough 1/4″ thick. Once your dough is rolled and cut into the shapes you want, you may need to set it in the fridge for about 10 minutes. The chilled dough is easier to work with than soft dough. Then, simply slide a lollipop stick into the bottom of the cookie shape, stopping about half way up the cookie. Since the sticks will take up room on your cookie sheet, you will have to bake your cookies in more batches then you normally do. But, other than that, the baking process is the same.

How To Make Cookie Pops

How To Make Cookie Pops: Technique #2

This technique uses a “dough patch” to hold the stick in place, so it does not require the use of thicker dough. Roll and cut your dough as you normally would and set it in the fridge to chill. Then, slide a lollipop stick into the dough as illustrated in technique #1. Since your dough is thinner, position the stick more towards the back of the cookie. The stick will probably break through the dough a little. When this happens, simply flip your cookie over, take a small piece of extra dough and apply it like a patch, smoothing it down as much as possible.

How To Make Cookie Pops

How to Make Cookie Pops: Technique #3

This technique is a cheat you can use if you do not want to put the stick inside the cookie dough.  Instead the stick is attached to the cookie packaging. Simply make your cookies as you normally do. Prepare your packaging by taping a lollipop stick to the inside of a clear cellophane treat bag. When you are ready to package your cookies, place each one in a treat bag with the top of the cookie at the bottom of the bag. Tie off the bag with a ribbon or a twist tie. Presto… you have a cookie pop that can be unwrapped and eaten like a regular cookie. For more information on this technique, see this tutorial by Pam at Cookie Crazie.

How To Make Cookie Pops: Technique #4

This is a new technique that I just learned from a fellow cookier. (Thank you to Ruth from Ruthie’s Cookies for letting me share her technique and pictures with everyone!) This is a great way to make cookie pops if you want to bake and decorate your cookies without the stick. You start by using Technique #1 to bake undecorated mini cookies, about 2″ in diameter, on lollipop sticks. Set the small cookies on sticks aside. Then, bake and decorate your “fancy” cookie. Once it has completely dried, use a little bit of royal icing to attached your decorated cookie to your plain cookie with the stick.

How To Make Cookie PopsWhich cookie pop technique works best for you? Comment below to share your experience with other cookiers!

Cookie Pops

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About Janine

Creative sweets made simple. Learn how to easily make decorated treats through recipes and tutorials at Are you ready for sweet inspiration?
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26 Responses to Cookie Pops 4 Different Ways

  1. Great turtorial Janine,Ive never tried cookie pops before. Ive made cake pops a few times and the first time was a disaster!! Must give these a go :)

    • Janine says:

      You gotta try cookie pops, Shirley! They are a lot easier than cake pops. You don’t have to defy gravity by dipping them upside down in chocolate and hoping they stay intact :)

  2. Linda says:

    Great tutorial, with one question. In #1, do you have your thicknesses reversed? For pops, do you roll to 3/8″ thickness?

  3. Look at your perfectly painted nails….Great tutorial. So many people ask me questions about this very thing!

  4. Belle says:

    I love these, so fun! I like how your pics help explain how to make them. Thanks for linking! I want a cookie pop now!

  5. These are too cute!!!

  6. Thanks so much for coming over and linking up at Heavenly Treats Sunday.. I love this, I have put off making cookie pops because I thought I just couldnt do it, but your tutorial seems so easy, I will try this out for my Ladies Get Together that I am having middle of June. Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. Lizy B says:

    Great tutorial!! I use the cookie patch too!

  8. Barb says:

    Great tutorial! I tried to make cookie pops using your first method…..huge disaster! They all fell off! I love your idea #4 with the small cookie on the back. One question though….do you bake the stick in the small cookie or just put the stick in between the 2 in the icing? Thanks so much for your help!

    • Janine says:

      Hi, Barb. Sorry to hear about your cookie pop mishap. If your cookies are ending up too loose on the sticks, Technique #2 might be better for you. Yes, in Technique #4 you should bake the stick in the smaller cookie.

  9. Julie says:

    These are lovely, Janine! Thanks so much for sharing on Marvelous Mondays! :)

  10. these are so cute! i love them :)
    Lisa @hooplapalooza recently posted..“happy everything” straw letter garlandMy Profile

  11. Cathy says:

    Love that there are so many different ways to make your cookies into pops! I thought there was only one way to do it!

  12. Patricia says:

    Do the lollipop sticks ever get burnt when baking them WITH the cookie?

  13. toni says:

    I put the stick in as soon as I take the cookies out of the over. Seems to work.

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