How To Make Easy Fruit Candy Decorations

How to Make Fruit Candy Decorations

Are you as excited as I am about all the Spring and Summer sweets on the horizon? As the strawberry plants in my garden come to life, I can’t help but start to ponder what fruity treats will appear on my favorite blogs and Pinterest in the coming months.

Having edible decorations ready at my fingertips makes planning my own creative sweets easy and fun. When Halloween came around I made sure to have plenty of candy eyeballs and candy spiders on hand, and now that fruit-themed treats are popular I am making lots of strawberry and cherry candy decorations.

How to Make Fruit Candy Decorations


How To Make Sparkly Cherry Candy Decorations

To make cherry candy decorations you will need:

How to Make Fruit Candy Decorations


Begin by shaping your red Starbursts into balls for your cherry candy decorations. To make the candy pliable, slightly heat it up in the microwave. If you overheat the candy, it will be too hot and liquidy to work with. I suggest heating each piece of candy for just 5 to 10 seconds on 50% power. After removing the candy from the microwave (and making sure it’s not too hot to touch), rip each piece in half and use your hands to roll them into balls. Let the candy completely cool before moving on to the next step.

Prepare two bowls: one with a small mixture of half water and half meringue powder completely blended and one with a small amount red disco dust. Roll each Starburst ball into the meringue powder and then into the disco dust until it is coated. Set your sparkly cherries aside to completely dry.

Prepare your green shoe string candy by using a sharp knife to slice it into thin stem-shaped pieces.

Use a toothpick to poke a hole in the top of each cherry candy. Fill the hole with red decorating icing, either by putting a blob of icing on a toothpick or by attaching a small decorating tip to the end of the icing tube. While the icing is still wet, insert a cherry stem into the hole. Set your sparkly cherry candy decorations aside to dry completely. The hardened icing will hold the stem in place.

How to Make Fruit Candy Decorations

With just a touch of icing, you can now temporarily “glue” your sparkly cherry candy decorations to any decorated cookies, cake pops, cupcakes, or other sweet treats you create. Using just a small amount of icing, allows for the sparkly decoration to be removed before consumption of your sweet treat.

***UPDATE: Please note that since this blog post was written, I have discovered that there is some debate over the use of disco dust on food products. It is marketed for cake decorating, but it is not FDA approved and is labeled only as “non-toxic”. My understanding is that it is not digested by the body and will pass through harmlessly in small amounts. For an edible alternative to disco dust, try Wilton Cake Sparkles or Sugarpaste Crystal Colors.***

How to Make Fruit Candy Decorations

How To Make Strawberry Candy Decorations

To make strawberry candy decorations, you will need:

Turn your green flower sprinkles into strawberry stems by using a knife to cut off two petals from each sprinkle. Then, use a dab of red decorating icing to attach each stem to the top of a strawberry Runt candy. Paint seeds onto each strawberry using white gel food coloring and a small food safe paint brush.

Set your strawberry candy decorations aside to dry completely before adding them to any of your baked goodies.

How to Make Fruit Candy Decorations

If the photos of the completed cake pops are making your mouth water, be sure to check out my tutorials for making Strawberry Banana Cake Pops and Banana Split Cake Pops.

Strawberry Banana Cake PopsBanana Split Cake Pops

For fruity inspiration year round, follow my  Strawberry Sweets and Banana Sweets boards on Pinterest!

Strawberry Sweets Pinterest Banana Sweets Pinterest
How to Make Mini Fruit Candy Decorations




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About Janine

Creative sweets made simple. Learn how to easily make decorated treats through recipes and tutorials at Are you ready for sweet inspiration?
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47 Responses to How To Make Easy Fruit Candy Decorations

  1. oh these are TOO CUTE Janine! i’ll be making some fruit thanks to you :>D
    Lisa@hooplapalooza recently posted..sombrero hat egghead cookiesMy Profile

  2. What a neat idea! I love those sparkly cherries :)
    Jennifer @ Not Your Momma’s Cookie recently posted..Peanut Butter Stuffed Orange Chocolate Chip CookiesMy Profile

  3. Sweetsugarbelle says:

    Super cute!!! I cannot wait for a reason to try these!

  4. alanna says:

    omg, these are sooo cute!
    alanna recently posted..Restaurant Review: Antica PizzeriaMy Profile

  5. So cute! :)
    Brenda recently posted..Saucilicious Slow Cooker Pork ChopsMy Profile

  6. OMGosh those are too cute! I love the strawberries. They look like they would be so hard to make, I love how you made it so simple.

    Stopping by from Ducks ‘n a Row. Alexis from Running Away? I’ll Help You Pack!
    Alexis AKA MOM recently posted..Birthday Party Must … Race Car Themed Cupcakes (All the tips I’ve seen on Pinterest wrapped into one CUTE package)My Profile

  7. rachel says:

    LOVE the sparkly cherries! can’t wait to try them . . . thanks for sharing!

  8. Linda says:

    Absolutely the cutest! Thanks for linking up at What’d You Do This Weekend? Hope to see you again next week.

    Linda recently posted..Site Styles – how get access to styles from previous versions?My Profile

  9. Oh my gosh, they are so stinking cute! Love!
    KC @ The Real Thing with the Coake Family recently posted..10K and Run for BostonMy Profile

  10. Dina says:

    these are great! so cute.
    Dina recently posted..Sea Salt Peanut Butter CookiesMy Profile

  11. What a creative idea, Janine!! My mind is already spinning on how I could use these in the future.
    Mike @ Semi Sweet recently posted..DIY Reversible Wood Table Top TutorialMy Profile

  12. Love this post!! Great idea, very creative. Inspirational!

  13. Kathryn says:

    These are so cute! Thanks for the tutorial. I would have never thought to use starburst!
    Kathryn recently posted..Benji’s Birthday Fun!My Profile

  14. Pingback: Great Ideas -- 20 Spring Delectable Desserts!!

  15. Those are too cute to eat!

    Thank you for partying with the Wildly Original Crowd.
    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!
    Christina at I Gotta Create! recently posted..O! O! 20 Ways to Eat Oreos!My Profile

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