Make Heart Cupcake Pops in 5 Easy Steps

Heart Cupcake Pops |

Pretty shades of pink and cute little heart shapes make Valentine’s Day such a fun time to decorate sweets. And cake pops top the list as one of my favorite sweets to make. They can be a bit intimidating, I know. But, with a little practice and step-by-step directions to help, cake pops become nothing more than a fun afternoon in the kitchen.

Supplies for Making Heart Cupcake Pops

To make heart cupcake pops you will need:Heart Cupcake Pops |


Step 1: Make Your Cake Balls

Start by making your chocolate cake balls using box cake mix and frosting. Put the cake balls in the fridge or freezer until chilled.

How To Make Cake Balls -

If you would like more details on how to make cake balls, Karyn of Pint Sized Baker has video tutorials on everything from baking to dipping to decorating. She is a real pro when it comes to making cake pops. If you’re a bit of a cake pop fanatic like me, then you would really enjoying browsing Karyn’s many creative cake pop creations.


Step 2: Shape Your Heart Cupcake Pops 

Heart Cupcake Pops | sugarkissed.netTo shape your cupcake pops you’ll want to use a heart cookie cutter with an opening that is slightly smaller than your cake ball.

Heart Cupcake Pops |

Press a cake ball into the heart cookie cutter until half of the cake ball is in the cutter. This will shape the bottom of your cake ball into a heart. Use your hands to round off the top of the cake ball and form it into a rough upside down triangle shape. Then, use a butter knife to press the top of the cake ball into a heart shape. If you’re a perfectionist, this step can consume your whole afternoon. Keep in mind that these heart cupcake pops will be covered in chocolate and sprinkles. Your sanity is important so remember that imperfections will easily be hidden later!

Repeat this step for each cake ball then set them back in the fridge until chilled.


Step 3: Create the Candles for Your Heart Cupcake Pops

 Heart Cupcake Pops |

For the flames on the candles of your heart cupcake pops, cut your yellow card stock paper into tiny flame shapes. No, this part of your cupcake pop is not edible but this won’t be an issue unless someone tries to eat the stick!

Start by microwaving your brown candy melts in a bowl on low power for 30-seconds at a time. Stop and stir after each 30-second interval then repeat until the coating is completely melted.

Do not overheat your candy melts or your coating will become lumpy. If the coating is too thick, you can add a small amount of vegetable oil or shortening to thin it out.

Dip a lollipop stick into the candy coating until half the stick is coated. Pull the stick straight out, tapping it on the side of the bowl to remove any excess coating. While the candy coating is wet, set one of your card stock flames in the coating. Set the coated lollipop stick in a styrofoam block or cake pop stand to dry. Repeat this step for each heart cupcake pop.


Step 4: Decorate the Tops of Your Heart Cupcake Pops

Heart Cupcake Pops |
Once the candy coating on your candles has hardened you can begin dipping your chilled cake balls. Start by microwaving your pink or white (depending on what color cupcake pop you are making) candy melts  in a bowl on low power for 30-seconds at a time. Stop and stir after each 30-second interval then repeat until the coating is completely melted.

Use your hands to dip the top of a heart-shaped cake ball in the coating. Only cover the top half of the cake ball. Tap off any excess coating and set your cake ball upright on a flat surface. Continue working quickly so you can work with the coating before it hardens.

Dip the end of a coated lollipop stick in the candy coating and press it into the top of your coated cake ball, inserting it about half way through. While the coating is still wet add sprinkles to the top of your cake ball.

Start by microwaving your brown candy melts in a bowl on low power for 30-seconds at a time. Stop and stir after each 30-second interval then repeat until the coating is completely melted.

Repeat this step for all of your heart cupcake pops. Then, set them aside until the coating has hardened before moving to the next step.


Step 5: Coat the Bottoms of Your Heart Cupcake Pops

Heart Cupcake Pops |

If your brown coating has thickened or hardened, reheat it in the microwave in 30-second intervals until it is completely melted. Dip the bottom half of each heart cupcake pop into the coating. Gently tap off any excess coating and place the cake pop into a styrofoam block or cake pop stand until the coating has hardened. Repeat this step for each cake pop.

Once the coating has completely hardened your heart cupcake pops are ready to be packaged and enjoyed!

Heart Cupcake Pops |

Link Parties That I Love

About Janine

Creative sweets made simple. Learn how to easily make decorated treats through recipes and tutorials at Are you ready for sweet inspiration?
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39 Responses to Make Heart Cupcake Pops in 5 Easy Steps

  1. Reeni says:

    These are so adorable! What a great treat for Valentines Day!
    Reeni recently posted..DIY: Homemade Taco Seasoning MixMy Profile

  2. This is such a cute idea, Janine! :)
    Jennifer @ Not Your Momma’s Cookie recently posted..Glazed Lemon Poppy Seed MuffinsMy Profile

  3. Michelle says:

    Saw these at the Back for Seconds linky. Cutest thing I’ve seen all day! Nice job.
    Michelle recently posted..Mardi Gras Menu 3My Profile

  4. Great idea! I never made cake pops before but you made it look so easy that I’m willing to try it out.
    Mike @ Semi Sweet recently posted..Queen of Hearts CookiesMy Profile

  5. Vanessa says:

    I love these! So clever to turn the stick into a candle. Very cute.
    Vanessa recently posted..Juice in a Food ProcessorMy Profile

  6. OMGosh how cute are those! They look so easy to make and would be a huge hit! Thanks for the idea!
    Alexis AKA MOM recently posted..Homemade Sidewalk Chalk … Kid School AuctionMy Profile

    Kayle (The Cooking Actress) recently posted..S’mores PieMy Profile

  8. Marilyn says:

    Wow, I love how you showed how to make cake pops as well as how to make your wonderful hearts! These almost look like mini-heart cupcakes. I LOVE it! I’m so glad you shared this at Loving Valentines Day!


  9. Just pinned this from the Pin Party at Diana Rambles! I love this turtorial and your pops are super cute!

    Shelley Robertson recently posted..In My Shoppe: Bowling Cupcake Toppers & InvitationsMy Profile

  10. These are awesome! They make me want to get into cake pops again. I was into cake pops before I got into cookies. Thanks for sharing :)
    Melissa {Simply Sweets by Honeybee} recently posted..Chocolate Dipped Pink Heart Cookies {Simply Sweet Saturdays}My Profile

  11. These are adorable! Thanks for sharing this at my Pin Me Linky Party.
    Diana Rambles recently posted..Bloggers Against CaptchaMy Profile

  12. LOVE!! These turned out great! I love the little arts and craft project with it! It completes the pop. Thanks for sharing on Two Cup Tuesday. I look forward to seeing you again Monday night!
    Karyn – Pint Sized Baker recently posted..Review of the Target Truffle KitMy Profile

  13. Pingback: Oink! The Blog » pizza, pops and a little snap and crackle

  14. These are so cute! Perfect for Valentine’s Day! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday!
    BinomialBaker recently posted..Baked Crispy Chicken FingersMy Profile

  15. So adorable and cute! If I would have seen this earlier, I would have made it for my birthday last week! Thank you so much for sharing this at Wednesday Extravaganza – hope to see you there again this week with more of your deliciousness :)
    HungryLittleGirl recently posted..Bavarian Pretzel Dumplings My Profile

  16. This is a great tutorial and the cake pops are so adorable.
    Chineka @ Savor The Baking recently posted..Feature Fridays: M & M Cake Topper and EtsyMy Profile

  17. Beautiful as always! Thanks for linking at Show Me Your Plaid Monday’s!
    Chandra@The Plaid and Paisley Kitchen recently posted..Show Me Your Plaid Monday’s #10My Profile

  18. So cute! I’d love for you to come link this up at my Tuesday Time Out!
    Melanie Reasons To Skip The Housework
    Melanie {Reasons To Skip The Housework} recently posted..Fabulous YOU!My Profile

  19. These are adorable, Janine. Thanks for linking up to Tasty Thursdays. This post is being FEATURED this week. Thanks, Nichi
    Nichi – The Mandatory Mooch recently posted..Tasty Thursdays #28My Profile

  20. Featuring these on my FB page today!! Thanks, Nichi
    Nichi – The Mandatory Mooch recently posted..Tasty Thursdays #28My Profile

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