The Marbling Technique and Butterfly Cookies

Butterfly Cookies

Today I have the pleasure of guest posting for Dawn at  DJ’s Sugar Shack! Dawn’s blog is a great resource for sweet inspiration, especially every Wednesday when she hosts the Whatcha’ Whipped Up link party. Lots of talented bloggers link up here to share their sweet and savory treats. I have to confess that I’m somewhat cookie obsessed. So, my favorite of Dawn’s creations are her super cute Sombrero Cookies. And with Halloween coming up, you gotta check out her Sugar Skull Cupcakes.

Today I will be sharing a step-by-step tutorial for making simple and stunning butterfly cookies using an icing marbling technique. It’s easy to do and is useful in a variety of designs. I’ve used it myself on heart cookies, sock cookies, and now butterfly cookies. If you’ve ever wondered how to create a marbling effect with icing, today’s the day for you to learn!

Once you are comfortable with the marbling technique, the possibilities for cookie decorating are endless! For inspiring ideas to help you think outside the box, check out Sweetopia’s lemon cookies (1), Julia Usher’s fiesta dress skirt cookies (2), and Bake at 350′s spider web cookies (3).

Icing Marbling TechniqueI will also be sharing my favorite sugar cookie recipe and royal icing recipe with Dawn’s readers today. So, be sure to stop by if you are looking for a recipe for sugar cookies that tastes good but won’t break when shipped or if you want to know how to make royal icing that won’t dry rock hard.

Butterfly Cookies -

Soooo…. what are you still doing here? Head on over to DJ’s Sugar Shack and please be sure to drop me a line to let me know what you think of the marbling technique I used on my butterfly cookies. Let your creative juices flow! I would love to hear how you plan to use the marbling technique on your next set of decorated cookies!

Link Parties That I Love

About Janine

Creative sweets made simple. Learn how to easily make decorated treats through recipes and tutorials at Are you ready for sweet inspiration?
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47 Responses to The Marbling Technique and Butterfly Cookies

  1. Pamela says:

    Love these cookies! Heading over to Dawn’s!
    Pamela recently posted..Buttermilk Powdered Donuts (Whole Wheat)My Profile

  2. Those butterfly cookies are GORGEOUS! It’s amazing how you’re able to do that :)
    Kayle (The Cooking Actress) recently posted..S’mores Stuffed Chocolate Chip CookiesMy Profile

  3. Printabelle says:

    Wow! Love this technique, going over to Dawn’s to learn more, thanks for linking up!
    Printabelle recently posted..Wonderful Wednesdays Link Party #17My Profile

  4. Wow! Love this technique, going over to Dawn’s to learn more, thanks for linking up!
    CuteEverything recently posted..Wonderful Wednesdays Link Party #17My Profile

  5. Megan says:

    Those are actually the most beautiful cookies I’ve ever seen. Wow they are so colorful…maybe too pretty to eat. I’d frame them…well that’s I lie I would end up eating them. I’m sure they taste as delicious as they look. Megan
    Megan recently posted..Reupholstered Stool by Amy & ChrisMy Profile

  6. Nicole says:

    Wow! Those turned out great! I’ll certainly have to try them, my daughter loves butterflies.
    Nicole recently posted..Back to School Sales for ToddlersMy Profile

  7. Robyn's View says:

    Gorgeous!! Thanks for linking up to Foodie Friends Friday! i will be sharing this on my facebook page!

    Robyn’s View recently posted..Foodie Friends Friday #10 Sponsored by Robyn’s ViewMy Profile

  8. Thanks for sharing with Foodie Friends Friday! I will definitely take notes!
    Cindy’s Recipes recently posted..Chocolate Pineapple Upside-down Cake guest post at Go Bake Yourself!My Profile

  9. Thanks Janine for sharing your great cookie decorating tips! I will try your Royal icing recipe!
    Cindy’s Recipes recently posted..Foodie Friends Friday Linky Party 10!My Profile

  10. BEAUTIFUL! You are so talented! Visiting from SITS.
    jamie@[kreyv] recently posted..[kreyv of the day]My Profile

  11. Winnie says:

    These are all amazingly beautiful cookies.
    I’m heading over to check your technique
    Winnie recently posted..עוגת דבש יפניתMy Profile

  12. ilene says:

    Those butterflies are so beautiful! I admire anyone who can take baking and turn it into artistry!

  13. misssrobin says:

    You cookies are fabulous! Heading over to see how you do it.

    Happy Sharefest. I hope you have a fabulous weekend.
    misssrobin recently posted..My Collapse-in-the-Shower MomentMy Profile

  14. Those butterflies are beautiful! Nice work as always!!!
    Addicted to Recipes recently posted..Scrumptious Sunday #26 – FeaturesMy Profile

  15. karen says:

    WOW, you are so talented, I can barely get my cookies to be baked all the same, let alone frosting them. Great job.
    karen recently posted..Tried it and Liked itMy Profile

  16. These look absolutely wonderful… and beautiful. I am not sure that I could decorate mine like that but will give it a try. Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday.
    Marlys @Thisand That recently posted..Foodie Friends Friday Linky Party ~ August 31My Profile

  17. These look way too pretty to eat! Lovely !

  18. These are the most beautiful cookies! Love them. Thanks for sharing on Tout It Tuesday. Hope to see you tomorrow!
    K @ Claiming Our Space recently posted..Fudgy Raspberry BrowniesMy Profile

  19. Pingback: Foodie Friends Friday Linky Party 11 | Cindy's Recipes and Writings

  20. Thanks for linking up at the Create & Inspire Party! We will be featuring YOU tonight! Be sure to stop by and link up more fabulous projects!

    Kimberly @ A Night Owl recently posted..{Friday Fancies} Back to School + A GiveawayMy Profile

  21. Pingback: Create & Inspire Linky Party | DIY, Craft & Recipe Ideas! » Little Inspiration

  22. Pingback: Create & Inspire Party | 9/7

  23. Pingback: Crazy for Cookies - 20 Cookie Recipes - Daily Dish with Foodie Friends Friday~Daily Dish with Foodie Friends Friday

  24. Jacquee says:

    Oh my word!! This is going on my try list!! Gorgeous!
    Jacquee recently posted..Mother’s Day Cookie BouquetMy Profile

  25. Karen says:

    Your butterfly cookies are so beautiful! I have almost no experience decorating sugar cookies, but it is on my list of things to try! Thank you for sharing your recipes and tips.
    Karen recently posted..Peanut Butter Chocolate ExtravaganzaMy Profile

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